Darcy Zink of DailyFashionista.com rocking her fabulous and flirty braid.
One of the hottest trends for the spring season are gorgeous braids in your hair! Recently, DailyFashionista.com had the pleasure of attending “Beauty & The Braid”, a fabulous event hosted by Pierre Michel Salon that included a night of elaborate hair braiding, drinks and makeovers.
As lucky guests, we were offered a variety of options for braids (the most commonly selected included fishtail, waterfall, and halo) after which we observed a festival-fun style with one simple accessory woven through the braid – a ripped t-shirt! One of the Pierre Michel Salon stylists, Thierry (he’s world-renowned and even worked at the Jean Louis David salon in Paris), thought about the idea just three weeks prior to the event. Because my hair is shoulder-length, the stylists offered to fashion my hair a bit differently with the shirt before I observed the process done with longer hair. Many of my friends have shorter hair, so I saw this as a great opportunity to take notes for a tutorial for both long and short hair.

What you need: a curler, rollers (for longer hair), hair dryer, hair ties and a ripped t-shirt (about an inch in length). For short hair, it’s best to curl your hair because curls hold a braid more efficiently as opposed to straightened hair. For curling, use a simple curler for more texture. Afterwards, my hair was wrapped into two messy side braids and the remainder of my hair was teased then wrapped into a side ponytail. Thierry, then, wrapped the ponytail with the ripped t-shirt and pulled a few strands from my hair out of the two side braids as a finishing touch.
For long hair, the beginning process is quite similar, except in addition to a curling iron it’s even more productive to utilize hair rollers as well, after which you want to blow-dry your hair to maintain those voluminous, large curls. Instead of two smaller side braids for short hair, you create one side braid, and then tease the rest of your hair and pull it into a low side ponytail. At this stage, the ripped strand from the t-shirt is wrapped around the ponytail and braided into the remaining hair. For more volume, tease the hair at the top of your head and let a few, miscellaneous strands hang loose. In the pictures, the t-shirt is white for both long and short hair, but if you’re attempting this at home as practice for the summer or Coachella, use different colors, or even tie-dye!

After the braiding how-to, the guests relished over amazing cocktails and fortune cookie flavored alcoholic ice cream from Tipsy Scoop, and I had a wonderful makeover by Stayglam Beauty’s Stacey Menzer, a professional make-up artist. I always love getting my makeup done (who doesn’t?), but this experience was particularly enjoyable. I appreciated Stacey’s outlook on makeup when I asked for specific eyeshadow colors that would compliment my eyes and skin tone, to which she replied “art is what you feel. Paint what you feel.” She linked this with makeup, stating that colors equal emotions, and to use whatever style/color you see fit at that moment. I’m a very artsy person, so I was thoroughly impressed at the parallels Stacey created with art and makeup.

All in all, the event was fabulous, as was the immaculate Pierre Michel Salon. A special thank you to the salon for their welcoming hospitality, Thierry for his informative hair braiding tips and tricks, Tipsy Scoop for their delicious refreshments and ice cream, Stacey for her makeover and the tips she provided, and to all involved who helped make the event a memorable evening. Visit Pierre Michel Salon’s website for more information; the salon is so chic and the service is impeccable and creative.
Tweet: @PierreMichelNy, @DarcyCole13 , @DanaPrigge and tell us what you think of these flirty boho-babe looks!
You can also Follow the stylish adventures of the Pierre Michel NY salon on their fabulous Facebook page, here.